After Michangelo done in graphite on paper.
Statue done in graphite on paper.
I wanted to begin my blog with some copies of Old Masters I have created this year. I think they exhibit a good example of where I am with my drawing at this point and hopefully will show the progress I make as I practice and learn. I fell in love with the Old Masters drawings during an local exhibit several years ago. The style of the Old Masters represents draftsmanship that is highly technical and takes years of practice and training. I will be posting some of my work and thoughts about classical art as I progress and learn. Hopefully this blog will be inspiring for others who, like me, love learning about the classical methods and the Old Masters!
After Degas done in charcoal heightened with white chalk on toned paper.
After William Harnett done in charcoal on paper.
After Pietro da Cortona done in graphite on watercolor toned paper.